Understanding and Supporting Gifted Learners (USGL) – Series


Who are gifted learners? In this free online series, Understanding and Supporting Gifted Learners (USGL), we will introduce you to the gifted learner and their characteristics, as well as discuss the academic and social-emotional needs that impact their educational experience and growth. The courses in this series will explore the gifted learners’ social/emotional characteristics, the underrepresentation of non-dominant cultures, the underachievement of gifted students, twice-exceptional learners, instructional strategies, academic acceleration options, and identification and instruction through data-driven analysis. SCECHs are available.

Module listing:

GT #1 Module: Introduction to Gifted Learners – 15 minutes

GT #2 Module: Characteristics of Gifted/Advanced Learners – 60 minutes

GT #3 Module:  Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted/Advanced Learners – 75 minutes

GT #4 Module: Inclusive Identification of Gifted Learners – 45 minutes

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